Impact Investment by Lilly Capital

Impact Investment - Passion Led Us Here

In today’s changing world, supporting sustainability might be more important than ever. The United Nations (UN) have developed a number of sustainable development goals (SDG) aimed at shaping the future in the best possible way. The seventeen SDGs revolve around areas such as reducing poverty and hunger, allow access to clean water, energy and decent work opportunities and improving the planet’s health above and below water.

Lilly Capital has taken inspiration by the UN’s SDGs and set its goals around the following:

Impact Investment Lilly Capital

How can a world bring up inspired leaders ? It all begins with education and that is why supporting companies that work towards an inclusive and just education system in their region can actually make a difference. This is where tomorrow’s leaders learn how to have a positive impact on their communities and livelihoods. Hand in hand with this comes the basic need for healthy nutrition and sustainable agriculture on a long-term basis. Brains need food and that is not just food for thought

If we at Lilly Capital manage to promote and support companies in these two areas, the natural consequence is the third goal: Working towards a stable economic growth and decent work opportunities. Lastly, as we are all aware, our planet’s resources are the opposite of infinite. In fact, in many areas the end is already in sight. On that account, searching for, finding and supporting ventures with innovative ideas to revolutionise modern energy is key to doing our part in the world and leaving it a better place.

As an early-stage impact investment firm, Lilly Capital focuses on investing in innovative entrepreneurs and their start-ups, taking the role of an active partner and shareholder in the development of the venture. With the help of Lilly Capital’s industry specialists, the entrepreneurs can count on a choice of support activities such as in-depth mentoring, operational and logistics guidance, financial checks or the conventional financial support defining impact investment firms. Entrepreneurs can rely on the expert’s expertise and work together towards achieving the desired market position.

At Lilly Capital the investment focus is particularly defined to be open to a broad range of start-ups, whilst being rather specific when it comes to the beforementioned goals as well as the investment phase in the timeline of the venture and the typical stake Lilly Capital acquire in the companies we support. One last crucial point is the time horizon of Lilly Capital’s involvement. We enter the partnership with a spirit of longevity. Lilly Capital is not just another investment firm focussing on the classic life-cycle around acquisition, business consulting ultimately leading to success and exit with financial returns. No, Lilly Capital believes in a long-term relationship where there is the option for it!

Learn more about our investment thesis on our specific website and check if you fulfil the criteria to submit your pitch!

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