Lilly Capital’s Core Values

At the start of all new ventures lies a set of pre-requisites that we at Lilly Capital believe are crucial for a long-term success. As many entrepreneurs and investors might know, you can have the best idea in the world but if you lack a few (if not all) of those pre-requisites, your way to the top might be more challenging than for others.

Lilly Capital has aligned the company’s values with the pre-requisites we are looking for in potential start-ups to invest in. If the alignment between investor and entrepreneur is assured, it is more likely to build a trustworthy relationship and ultimately bring the venture to the desired success. So, what are those meaningful values?

In today’s constantly changing world, we believe the ability to anticipate and foresee potential needs that might arise in the future is essential. Today – right now – is the right time to prepare the world to be a better place tomorrow as a forward-thinking entrepreneur. That is why we invest in future-oriented start-ups with a strong ambition to provide future necessities and hopefully leave a positive impact in the world!

Furthermore, who doesn’t know the famous quote “Two heads are better than one”? This motto leads Lilly Capital’s endeavours. We do not have the typical investment firm approach of buying in, consulting to make the start-up successful to finally be able to sell with a (hopefully meaningful) profit. Lilly Capital believes in the spirit of supportive partnership, achieving greater things together. In our principles, we take the position as an active shareholder and business mentor, guiding entrepreneurs with all our expertise to help them achieve their goals.

When we brainstormed about the inter-personal values we seek in our relationships, they all revolved around honesty, trust and transparency. These traits can perfectly be summed up in one simple word: integrity. Without these main pillars, a relationship might not thrive and there might be more stones on the way. We actively look for entrepreneurs that promote their start-ups with full integrity.

Last but not least, we would like to mention the value of innovation. Having open eyes and a curious mind are essential to come up with innovative ideas to develop plans, services and products with the potential to have a positive impact in the business’ surrounding.

If you can identify with Lilly Capital’s values explained in this article, check out where Lilly Capital invests in our previous blog post and on our website!

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